It's About the Future of Your Business

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I do not watch much TV, aside from  some sporting events.  I do, however, have a love of cooking. So watching a few cooking shows from time to time helps me be a better cook.  This is where Gordon Ramsey enters the picture.  Gordon Ramsey is a world renowned chef and restaurateur.  He owns over 15 restaurants around the world, all are Michelin rated (high honors).   In addition, his TV credits include his highly successful Hell’s Kitchen, The F Word (BBC), Masterchef, Ramsey’s Best Restaurants and my favorite, Kitchen Nightmares.
Why Kitchen Nightmares?  Simple, if you want to see a turnaround in action, watch this show.  Gordon goes into a restaurant to help save it and turn it around.  The things you see are the things needing to be fixed.  Call it reality or call it scripted but it is a script for a turnaround.  Let me tell you why.
First, and foremost, the only goal is to make money.   Making money insures the future of the restaurant.  Once everyone understands the goal he takes the restaurant, its owner and employees through the same checklist every time, as follows:
1.       Product – taste and quality?
2.       Customer Service – high touch?
3.       Culture – empowered employees?
4.       Cost structure – too high, too much waste, too many menu items?
5.       Create a plan – change the menu, people, décor?
6.       Execute the plan – to perfection
7.       Review the goal and repeat 1 to 6 constantly
What does he produce?  He produces success which is the result of the goal and the execution of the plan.  How does he produce the success?  He produces success through:
1.       Outstanding product
2.       Superior service
3.       Better culture, improved relationships
4.       Quality at the highest levels at the lowest cost.
Agree or disagree with his tactics (yelling, pushing people to their limits) but his ability to create change and effect the turnaround far outweigh his failures.  Remember, not every turnaround is sustainable.  Unless owners and managers are committed to the change it will fail.  The failure is typically not in the process, the failure is owners and managers inability to make the necessary changes in their behavior, leadership and decision making to sustain the turnaround. 

So what do you need to turnaround then sustain a business?  Simple:
1.       Focus – like a laser beam.
2.       Interpersonal Skills – empower and motivate.
3.       Training – changing how you do things is critical to your success.
4.       Hunger - to succeed.
5.       Perseverance - practice until improvement is found.
6.       Social consciousness – being part of the community you are in.
7.       Ability to develop culture – it will take all your skills to change it.
Turnarounds, the lessons they teach and their sustainability are all about attention to detail and a plan for the future.  Without both, close the doors.
I challenge you to watch Kitchen Nightmares with a new sense of what is happening on the show.  I challenge you to look at your business the way he does a restaurant.  Are you in need of a turnaround?  Follow the roadmap I have laid out and your business will be successful and sustainable.
Gordon Ramsey and I have a few  things in common – a passion to make money, empowering people to make a difference, creating customers that can't wait to do business with us and having fun doing what we love doing.  We work hard and have a passion to help others be successful and reach their goals.  For that I believe he is an expert.
If after you take my challenge and you think your company needs help, contact me at for a no charge consultation. 

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